2025 FAQs

Q: Can I sign up to volunteer?
Absolutely! We love volunteers! You can check out volunteering opportunities and sign up BY CLICKING HERE. We also love helping out local non-profit clubs and organizations. If you run a local club or organization (or high school team) we will donate $25 per volunteer for Saturday and $35 per volunteer for Sunday. Please contact trish@runegades.com and put "JTARF VOLUNTEER" in the subject to get set up!

Q: Give me all the GPS coordinates please (CLICK ON LINKS FOR GOOGLE MAPS).
Friday Bib pickup at Muggles' Mug: 79 Broadway Jim Thorpe PA
Saturday Bib pickup Jim Thorpe Train Station: 1 Susquehanna Street, Jim Thorpe PA
Premium Parking area; Start/Finish for half marathon; finish for 7-miler and full marathon: Jim Thorpe Municipal Parking Lot
Free, non-premium Off-site shuttle parking in Jim Thorpe: Jim Thorpe High School, 1 Olympian Way, Jim Thorpe PA
Starting line for full marathon: Right next to G&A Hardware, 107 Susquehanna St, White Haven, PA  
Park and Ride for full marathon starting line (for non-train riders): Rte. 940 Park and Ride, White Haven, PA
Spectator Spots for full marathon: Rockport Road Trailhead, Glen Onoko Parking Area

Q: What's the deal with parking?

Half Marathon, 7-Mile, and Marathon with Train
 Runners have two options for parking:
1. Premium Parking in the Jim Thorpe Train Station Lot next to the finish line. This is the BEST option, but spots are limited and MUST be pre-purchased from the Carbon County Parking Website BY CLICKING HERE. (Once on the site, click "VIEW PERMITS" and select the correct day). *NOTE: Carbon County has raised their weekend parking rate to $25. This has nothing to do with the festival and we have no say over the price. 
2. Free, Off-site Parking will be available at the Jim Thorpe Area High School. A 7-minute shuttle bus will take you to and from the start/finish area next to the Jim Thorpe Train Station.

Non-Train Marathon Runners will Park at the Route 940 Park and Ride in White Haven. (Yes, you can be dropped off at the start and your friends or family can park in the County Lot to wait for you by the finish line)

Q: When/where is bib pickup?
THERE IS NO DAY-OF PACKET PICKUP! Those who cannot pick up their bibs in person MUST elect to have them mailed before the race. 
All runners can pick up bibs on Friday April 25th from noon to 6 pm at Muggles' Mug Coffee Shoppe (79 Broadway, Jim Thorpe). 
Marathon and 7-Mile runners can pick up their bibs on Saturday April 26th from 10am to 2pm in front of the Jim Thorpe Train Station. 
A friend may pick up your bib with a copy of your ID. A picture on a phone will suffice. 

Q: I won't be able to get to bib pickup on time and I didn't add packet mailing, what do I do?
If you can't get to bib pickup the day before your race, you have a few options:
1. Have a friend pick up your bib. They will need a picture of your photo ID.
2. Add packet mailing before 4/10. THIS LINK will walk you through the process. 
3. If you can't have a friend pick up your bib and it is after 4/10, please contact us at info@runegades.com and we will do our best to figure something out for you for a massive fee. (Just kidding about the fee, but it will be a hassle for everyone and may not be very convenient for you)

Q: Can I switch to a different event?
Yes, as long as that event is not sold out. Please email us at info@runegades.com.

Q: I want to start the marathon at 8 am, but I don't want to take the train. Can I do that?
Yes. Most people who are not taking the train plan to start at 7:15. However, you can drive yourself or get dropped at the starting line right next to the G&A Hardware Store in White Haven. If you drive yourself, you will park at the ROUTE 940 Park and Ride in White Haven. A free shuttle will take you to the starting line. A free shuttle will also return you to your car following the race. 

Q: Will there be any pacers for the half or full marathon?
Beast Pacing will return in 2025 to provide pacers for the half marathon and marathon. Marathon pacers will begin at 8:00 am. 
Marathon: 3:30, 3:45, 4:00, 4:15, 4:30, 4:45, 5:00, 5:15, 5:30, 5:45, and 6:00 (We are still working to find 3:00 and 3:15).
Half Marathon: 1:40, 1:50, 2:00, 2:10, 2:20, 2:30, 2:45, and 3:00. (We are still working to find 1:30).
If you have questions about pacing, please reach out to Vanessa at:
Beast Coast Productions 

Q: Where can spectators catch a glimpse of the runners? 
For the half marathon, spectators can safely watch runners pass through the Glen Onoko parking area at Lehigh Gorge State Park in Jim Thorpe (miles 2 and 11) and at the start/finish area.
For the full marathon, spectators who do not take the train can drive to the Rockport Road trailhead in Lehigh Township and watch runners pass at roughly mile 12. They can also watch runners pass through the Glen Onoko parking area at Lehigh Gorge State Park in Jim Thorpe (mile 24) and at the start/finish area.
For the 7-miler, spectators can watch runners pass through the Glen Onoko parking area at Lehigh Gorge State Park in Jim Thorpe (mile 5) and at the start/finish area. 

Q: Are Spectator Train Tickets Still Available? 
Spectator train tickets sold out by late December. 

Q: I hurt myself (or my son is graduating from college, or I haven't trained enough...). Can I get a refund or a deferral? 
The race does not offer refunds. However, you can defer to next year for a small fee as long as you do so by 4/8/2025. After that time, all shirts and bibs and medals have been ordered and we will not be able to accommodate deferral requests. This link will walk you through the deferral process: https://help.runsignup.com/support/solutions/articles/17000062915-defer-registration-claim-deferral
**IMPORTANT NOTE** You MUST claim your deferral when registration opens next year. You will  not be automatically registered for the race. The same link will walk you through claiming your deferral. 

Q: I want to transfer my bib to a friend. Can I do that? 
Yes. You can transfer your bib to a friend ON OR BEFORE 4/8. Your friend will be asked to pay a $25 transfer fee. This link will walk you through how to do that: https://help.runsignup.com/support/solutions/articles/17000062921-transfer-to-another-runner

Q: Are strollers allowed in the race? 
We discourage the use of strollers, but we do not prohibit it. However, the course is hard-pack rail trail, so you will have to use a heavy-duty jogging stroller. We also ask that you space yourself properly at the start and throughout the race. 

Q: Can I run with my dog? Can my dog come on the train? 
The trail is a public trail, so you may run with your dog, and your dog may ride the train, but you also must accept full responsibility for you dog. Pursuant to PA law, all dogs must be leashed at all times while out in public.
We ask that you only run with your dog if he/she has extensive experience running in groups. Also, do NOT bring a dog on the train to spectate. The round-trip is simply too long to be comfortable for a dog.

Q: Will non-runners be on the trail? 
Yes. The D&L is a public trail. We cannot close it for the event. Please be mindful of bikers and hikers as you run. 

Q: Are you SERIOUS? My GPS won't really work? 
Yes. We are serious. Your GPS will NOT work in Lehigh Gorge. You will also have a very weak (if any) cell signal. 

Q: I'm pretty sure my super fancy GPS 9000 satellite-linked, titanium infused, Geo-positioning mega watch will work on the trail. 
No. It won't. (also, that's not a question)

Q: What flavor of UCAN hydrate will be on the race course?

Q: Will there be porta-potties throughout the race?
Restroom opportunities will be EXTREMELY LIMITED! The race runs through a remote section of the D&L Trail that is inaccessible to automobiles, including trucks that deliver portable toilets. For the half marathon, portable toilets will be located at the start/finish and at miles 2 and 11. For the marathon, they will be located at the start/finish areas and (roughly) miles 4, 12, and 24. For the 7-miler, they will be located at the finish area and mile 6. There will be a restroom in every train car. 

Q: Do I have to take the train if I'm running the 7-miler? 
Yes. Technically, you can park at the Glen Onoko parking area by Lehigh Gorge State Park and walk to the starting line, but that is a 5-mile walk. 

Q: What if I miss the train? 
Do not run after it. 

Q: What is the running surface like? Should I wear trail shoes or gaiters?
The Full Marathon will take you down the D&L and Lehigh Gorge rail trails. These wide, smooth trails are hard-packed earth and gravel and, because they are former railroad lines, maintain a steady downgrade of 1-2% nearly the entire length of the marathon. One of our RUNegades’ ultra runners ran the course and says trail shoes are not necessary, but runners may want to wear gaiters to prevent small pebbles from entering their shoes. The Half Marathon and 7-Miler will take you through the last portion of the Full Marathon course, on the wide, smooth, hard-packed Lehigh Gorge Trail.

Q: When will bibs be mailed? 
Bibs will be mailed in mid-April. If you do not receive your bib by April 21st, please contact us at info@runegades.com

Q: Where do I park?
To park in the train station lot next to the finish area (the most convenient place to park), runners MUST pre-pay for parking. You can do that by CLICKING HERE.  Free parking with a free shuttle ride will be available at the Jim Thorpe Area High School, 1 Olympian Way, Jim Thorpe, PA.

Q: When will the parking lots open?
On SATURDAY THE LOTS WILL OPEN AT 6:30 am for the half marathon. THE LOT WILL NOT OPEN UNTIL 6:30 am. The starting line will open at 8am. Runners will be allowed to start at 8am. The race is chip timed, so your time will not start until you cross the starting mat. 
On SUNDAY THE LOTS WILL OPEN AT 5:30 am for the full marathon and 7-miler. We ask all runners to board the train by 6:30 am.

Q: Can I pay for premium parking when I get there? 

Premium parking is very limited and will likely sell out. (We do not have that info as the parking lot is run by Carbon County). We strongly suggest that you prepay for premium parking by clicking on this link: https://www.tocite.net/carboncountypa/portal

Q: Is there a time-limit for the races? 
Half Marathon: 4 hours
Marathon: 7 hours

Q: Will there be a marathon bag drop? 
Yes. For train riders, when you exit the train, place a small bag marked with your name in the front row of the train car. It will be taken back to the finish area.
For non-train riders, please find a volunteer or RUNegades staffer at the starting area and we will take care of it for you. We ask that you shed any clothing when you run past the starting line again at mile 2. Those items will be collected and brought back to the finish area as well. These drops are a courtesy for our runners and we cannot guarantee the safety of any items. We strongly advise against leaving anything of value in your bag. 

Q: Will I be able to get a ride if I am injured or have to tap out of the marathon? 
Yes. For the marathon, bikers will be monitoring miles 12-26. Flag them down if you have an issue and need to be picked up. They will alert our ATV team or the closest stationed EMS team. Be aware, however, that this is a remote course and access is difficult. You will have to wait patiently for transport to arrive. 

Q: When will my official time be available? 
Second Wind Timing will post official times on its website in real time for all races except the 7-miler. The 7-mile start is so remote, that we have to wait for the data to physically come in from the starting line. Those official times will be posted in the afternoon. 

Q: Can my friends/family track me as I run? 
Unfortunately, no. Because the racecourse is so remote, running tracking is unavailable. 

Q: Where can I see a course map?
Please see note above on the elevation profiles. The elevation profiles on these maps are inaccurate. 
Map for the full marathon (the last 7 miles are the 7-miler): https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/2627845921
Map for the half marathon: https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/4027008553
Map for the 2022 FULL MARATHON DETOUR (The start is the same, the detour is miles 2-4 along River Road). https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/4913946760/ 

Q: The course maps all say the elevation is rugged. Is that true?
No! I mean, it's true that the course maps SAY that, but the course is ACTUALLY very flat and fast and ever-so-slightly downhill from White Haven to Jim Thorpe.

Q: Where Can I Stay?
Jim Thorpe is a quaint mountain town filled with charm, wonderful shops, and delicious restaurants. It's the perfect place for a family getaway, a running weekend with friends, or a romantic weekend with that special someone. If you're looking for a place to stay, we recommend these fantastic places:

The Inn at Jim Thorpe
24 Broadway, Jim Thorpe, PA
(800) 329-2599

Hampton Inn, Lehighton
877 Interchange Rd, Lehighton, PA
(610) 377-3400

Country Inn and Suites, Lehighton
1619 Interchange Rd, Lehighton
(610) 379-5066

Pocono Mountain Visitors' Bureau
Looking for alternative options? Click here for information directly from the Pocono Mountain Visitors' Bureau. 

Q: I have a question not answered here. What do I do? 
Email us at info@runegades.com We pride ourselves on our customer service and will get back to you ASAP. If it is between April 27th and April 30th, please do not expect an immediate response. (We will all be working our tails off out on the courses!)